Semantic Interoperability Model and Application Study of Critical Appraisal on Evidence Based Medicine 循证医学证据评价的语义模型与应用研究
Objective To investigate the critical thinking ability of medical students and its related factors in order to provide evidence for higher medical education reform. 目的了解临床医学专业学生批判性思维能力的现状和相关因素,为高等医学教育改革提供依据。
On information and knowledge, it is critical to get the evidence right. 在信息和知识方面,重要的是获得正确的证据。
Open-mindedness ( judgment, critical thinking): Thinking things through and examining them from all sides; weighing all evidence fairly. 头脑开明(判断力,批判性思维):通过全方位测验来思考事物;公平权衡所有的根据。
The next critical step is to document implementation and impact with evidence gathered in countries. 下一个关键步骤是收集证据,记录各国实施情况和产生的影响。
In this respect, WHO could play a critical role in assisting Member States and reviewing data from various sources for the evaluation of the available safety evidence. 世卫组织可在这方面发挥重要作用,协助会员国并审阅从不同途径获得的资料,对现有的安全性证据进行评估。
Competition lawyers are critical of the lack of evidence to support the three decisions. 令反垄断法律师不满的是,这三项裁决都缺乏证据作为支持。
The exclusion of evidence is the critical core in modern evidence rule. 证据排除是现代证据法的核心精神。
This finding provided critical evidence that the virus was new to the human immune system. 这一研究结果提供了关键证据,证实此病毒是人体免疫系统遇到的新病毒。
The large volume of intra-industry trade is often cited as critical evidence favoring the new trade theory. 摘要产业内贸易常被作为支持“新贸易理论”的一个关键因素。
You could miss critical opportunities to gather data and could end up with insufficient evidence about your project's impact. 你可能会错过那些采集数据的关键时机,并且最终也没有足够的证据来评价你项目的影响力。
A critical look at our past reveals much evidence of our ignorance about the objective world. 用批评的眼光审视过去会发现许多迹象可以表明我们对客观世界的无知。
Results Undergraduates mastered basic method of evidence-based nursing and changed their attitude towards nursing. So they could handle critical thinking to find evidence in existing practice model. 结果学生学会了循证护理的方法,转变了观念,并能够运用批判性思维对现存实践模式寻找实证。
Third, to pay attention to write clearly the critical plots, the relationship of cause and effect, the main evidence. 再次,在叙述案件时,要注意写清关键情节,写清因果关系,写清主要证据。
A Discussion of the Theory on Five Types of Social Formations& A Critical Review of the Paper Questioning the Major Evidence of "Five Types of Social Formations" 关于五种社会形态理论的讨论&兼评《对五种社会形态理论一个主要依据的质疑》一文
A polysulfate species was observed on reacted SiO2 which provides a critical evidence to reevaluate the role mineral dust may play in the formation of sulfate particles in the troposphere. 而且实验中发现SiO2与SO2反应后表面能形成硫酸盐的聚合物,这为重新评估大气颗粒物在对流层的硫酸盐形成过程中所起的作用提供了有力的实验室依据。
Under driving of critical opinions as well as with the aid of the new development of economics, deterrent theory will be exact and pay attention to concrete evidence, ( including) introduction of behavior economics ( has) greatly enhanced the deterrent theory feasibility. 在批评意见的激励下以及借助于经济学的新进展,威慑理论在向着更加精致化、实证化的方向发展,其中行为经济学的引入大大提高了威慑理论的现实性。
Doctored photographs are appearing with a growing frequency in magazines, critical photo evidence in courtroom, insurance claims, science discovery and security surveillance applications. 在现在,伪造图像越来越多的出现在媒体杂志、法庭证物、保险索赔、科学发现以及安全监督等应用中。
The critical appraisal ontology of medical evidence included the commonly used indicators and projects, and set up a logical relationship between concepts through the description of the application environment of the indicators and projects. 医学证据评价本体收纳了常用的证据评价相关指标和项目,并通过对各项指标和项目的应用环境的描述,建立了指标概念之间的逻辑关系。
Critical thinking is the judgment with purpose and self-calibration, which can be stated as interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning and explanation for evidence, concept, methodology, standard and context. 批判性思维是有目的的、自我校准的判断。这种判断表现为解释,分析,评价,推断以及对判断赖以存在的论据、概念、方法、标准或语境的说明。
The common pathways and genes can be seen as critical pathways and genes for pig growth which could better understand the growth trait related genes and helped to find new important genes for growth, to provide evidence for pig breeding. 这些通路和基因可作为影响猪生长发育候选通路和基因,不仅可以对现有生长发育相关基因有更深入的了解,还有助于发现新的相关候选基因,为猪育种提供新的理论依据。
The criminal search is one of important investigation measures for criminal procedure and it plays a critical role in the process of finding out suspects, discovering the evidence and combating crimes. 刑事搜查是刑事诉讼中一项重要的侦查手段,在查获犯罪嫌疑人、收集证据、打击犯罪过程中发挥着重要的意义和作用。